Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 38: Back and Bis and Ab Ripper X

We are stronger and the workouts are becoming easier, but they suck more. I'm not entirely too sure why. They're just not as exciting; they're tedious and I simply just want them to be over. I watch the clock, count how many exercises we have left, and basically have the future time when I finish in my mind throughout the entire workout. We used to revel in the simple act of lifting weights - that moment of burn when you tear apart muscle fibre like a Soviet child from his political dissident parents used to send waves of endorphins and adrenaline rushing to our brain. It's like we don't believe in our beloved Mother Russia anymore - the propaganda has been stripped away, exposing the naked truth of a delirous state hell-bent on territorial aggrandizement. Why do I need to expand my territory? I don't need to be any bigger; I am happy with my current size and general condition. I'm funny and smart, I don't need to be big. Being big is the refuge of those who did not develop personalities as an insecure youth. I'm like Japan - I have enough innovation and savvy to be more than competitive within the (vagina) market. 

But, maybe, I'm missing the point. If it was in the best-interest of the state, wouldn't Japan expand its territory? Wouldn't it clean up its environment? It's not about expanding territory so other countries fear you and give you things and make alliances with you. It's about becoming healthier and creating better conditions in which to live. At the start of this, I was living in an overpopulated country with little to no sewage infrastructure and almost no environmental regulations. I was Rwanda. Now, I eat healthier, have almost quit smoking, and have seen my cardio and overall strength increase substantially. I've cleaned up my act and have begun developing - I am like Singapore now. There is still much work to do, but the future is promising.

Why this paradigm shift? Why have workouts gotten tedious and crappy all of a sudden? I think the first 1/3rd of this program we we're amazed every time we did it. It was like I was proving something to myself and everyone around me. I was an underdog and through sheer perserverance and will, I tackled this monster of an obstacle. I was Rudy, I was Rocky. 

But, Bomber, those are our most beloved fictional characters that represent the indomitable will, hardwork, and perservance man has within. You doing an hour of homeworkouts, 5 days a week, might not stack up. 

For one, it's sometimes 6 days a week and, two, this person has clearly never met me before P90X. Mine was a road of procrastination, slovenliness, and general degeneracy. I had a will made of peanut brittle (and then I ate it). I had never really done anything that required discipline and hardwork (except for maybe my maroon belt when I was 8. Sensai Jim graduated me a week earlier than most (on the account we were going on vacation to Florida)). I think, I am officially over the hump of ol' degenerate, never-see-things-through, Bomber. So, now, that amazing feeling of "I can't believe I'm doing this" has subsided, leaving only "fuck, we do this everyday, this sucks". 

Apparently, others are also over the hump of "I can't beleive he is doing this". They assumed I'd crap out eventually and their initial inclinations would be proven. The fact, I am really doing this, is sending a whirlwind of motivation through people as far as 5000 km away. If Bomber, fuckin' Bomber, is working out everday, then I have no excuse. I am the ultimate workout motivation. I'm like Terry Fox. In terms of willpower and discipline, I was always standing on one leg, and yet I am running across Canada. You have no excuses. Put up or shut up. 

A group of friends that I lived with in Whistler for the summer, are experiencing a gut-wrenching imposition of spite-fueled motivation. Via their facebook posts, it is apparent they are starting P90X. Not, because they want to be healthier, feel better mentally and physically, and live longer, but in the words of my old creepy Swedish roomate, "lets git mor ripped then bomer". I am glad that my P90X venture has dug a deep insecure-hole in your identity that can only be filled by muscle and protein-powder. Good luck gentlemen, I will actually be pulling for you and wishing you the best. Also, good-luck having to workout with Csaba in his euro-trash, 100% nylon, fuschia and flower-print-laden workout gear. 

Highlights: I worked out alone today and it was difficult. This exercise attacks your biceps, one exercise after another. The question of soul-shattering muscle-failure is not if, but when. I gave er' my all and then immediately popped on Ab Ripper X. One hell of a workout. Eat it, flabby Whistler cheese-infused loserfags. The gauntlet has been thrown down.

State of Mind: I explained the change in how I feel when I workout above. But, this new 'Whistler-Challenge' may have added the spark necessary to relight the firey abyss of bomber-body-rippitude. 

Rating: P55X (B & B) + P85X (ABrprX) = P70X + 5 for doing em' back2back = P75X

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