Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 25: Core Synergistics

My last few entries have been long and have had almost nothing to do with working out. So, this one will be short, sweet, possibly sexy, and to the point. I will not discuss Tiger Woods and how weird and telling it is that the whole world stops what they're doing to hear from a guy who hits a ball with a stick and feels bad about banging a lot of women. I will also not bring up that 40 years ago, less channels covered a man named Kennedy discuss the impending threat of total nuclear annihilation. I will also not raise the interesting question of 'what if both of these events occured at the same time'? Or ponder about whether we'd be interested in the possibility of indefinite cold nuclear winter or Tiger Woods? And, lastly, I will not answer the latter question by launching into a fake newscaster dialogue regarding this matter, which would look like this:

Well, Bob, how do you think cold nuclear winter and Tiger's sex scandal will effect his game? Jim, I think Tiger is so mentally tough that he will be able to ignore all these distractions and we've seen him excel in all sorts of weather conditions - so, this cold nuclear winter shouldn't pose a problem. Given what we've seen from him, a deep, dark, zombie-wasteland of lifelessness and misery is but a mere bump in his path to total world, err, golf domination.

In summation, all of these grueling exercises are making me feel great - mentally and physically. 

We did core synergistics today, which works the whole body - different push-ups, tri-cep exercises, squats, curls etc. - with a focus on the core. It beat the shit out of us. I was left crumpled on the ground gasping for air like a right-wing newscaster trying to prove water-boarding isn't toture. But, the funny thing is, I felt great. Not just afterwards when my body got a chance to calm down, but right at that exhausting, fetal-position inducing moment. I enjoy it, I thirst for it; blood-pumping, veins expanding, endorphins rushing. It's like sex without the complaining. At first, I'd feel awful and whine and cry like a baby after these viscious beatings, but not after today's. I have gone from a whinny battered wife to a full on sado-masochist in 25 days. Remarkable. 

Highlights: Filled to the brim with roughneck, blitzkrieg, 'I don't give a fuck about how I feel tomorrow' moments. 

State of Mind: Working out has definitely effected the speed, quality, and clarity of my thoughts. It's like I went from DOS to Windows 7. (Fuck Macs, they should come with horn-rimmed glasses, skinny jeans and an arrogant air of indifference). I also have more energy and a general want to be productive. I don't just want to sit around playing videogames. It's making me some weird-being that is responsible and doesn't just wait around for things to come to him; it might be making me an adult. I honestly, went to Home Depot today to buy drywall plugs and then stopped by Zellers to look at area rugs. (I actually did this).

Rating: We almost did absolutely everything, but some of them just sent our rugged cores into failure. P81X.

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