Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 9: Plyometrics

Plyometrics makes you sweat out any reservations you have that P90X is not one of the most bad-ass, extreme workouts you can put yourself through. It feels like you're at a gruesome football-training camp - all that's missing is Denzel Washington barking commands and representing the unity required in racially segregated suburban communities in the 1950s. (And, yes, I did see 'Remember the Titans' this weekend and, yes, Denzel Washington is more thugging than the entire genre of Gangster Rap). 

That being said, we fuckin' dun' did it. Bang! Bang! Bitches. (Read: we competently finished our exercise-routine today). Millard and I just killed it. We were like Rambo, John McClane, and the whole A-Team rolled into one, fighting against the formidable foes of communism and healthcare reform (or whatever foes one may consider formidable). 

My cardio is at a really good level. So, combining yesterday's knowledge with today's, we know now that I can't lift heavy things, but I can run around a lot. I'm basically your average 8-year old boy. This, to many, would be a very depressing realization, but not for me. How many 8-year olds do you know that have lost their virginity? That shit is ballin'. Plus I can drive and sometimes even smoke cigarettes. I also own the most feared pog-Smasher and have the most unstoppable deck of pokemon cards. (Can something be the 'most unstoppable? Whatever, I'm 8). So, yeah, this isn't disheartening or soul-shattering or watch-John-Cusack-movies-while-simultaneously-eating-cheetos-and-touching-your-balls depressing or anything like that.

Highlights: Patricia was as sloppy as people at banquet halls in Kincardine today. (For those of you who don't know, Patrica is Millard's sweaty-beard and Kincardine is the hick town that he is from). 

State of Mind: I am very pleased with my cardio. It was grueling, but fun today. Unfortunately, I have become fully aware that I have the muscular fortitude of the kid from Jerry Maguire.

Rating: We did it all with an extra 3 short breaks, P80X.

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